Johannes Schwartz


Amsterdam, NL | Munnich, DE

Johannes Schwartz (Munich, 1970) is a photographer living and working in Amsterdam. Between 1995 and 1998 he studied photography at Gerrit Rietveld Academy, where he became head of the photography department from 2004-2010. Currently he still teaches there. He received the Esther Kroon Award in 1998 and the Cobra Kunstprijs Amstelveen in 2007. He was one of the artists in Opera Aperta / Loose Work, the official Dutch entry for the Venice Biennale in 2011.

For Constant 101 he photographed Constant’s home in Amsterdam for the Constant special edition of De Gids out December 2021. The photographs will also be featured in the forthcoming publication Playing Constant, a publication by Jap Sam Books in collaboration with Zippora Elders and Fondation Constant, reflecting on the Constant 101 project, due spring 2025.


Constant's Music Room by Johannes Schwartz in De Gids, 2021-6


Constant's Music Room by Johannes Schwartz in De Gids, 2021-6


Johannes Schwartz at the Kromme Waal-1, photo Kim van der Horst


Johannes Schwartz at the Kromme Waal-2, photo Kim van der Horst