Krien Clevis
Krien Clevis is an artist/researcher/curator (PhD), and has worked on long-term projects in Rome and the Netherlands. In her promotion research (LOCVS, 2013), she investigated the notion and quality of ‘place’ – especially in the power of transition – and has confronted this artistic research with archaeological debates about place. Her research combines historical/archaeological, artistic and personal exploration of locations, with the aim of adding new or alternative meaning to layered places.
As part of the Constant 101 project, Clevis researched the painting studio of Constant and photographed it in different stages of transition, resulting in the photo series Constant — Krien Clevis (2019-2021). Although abandoned, the studio seemed almost untouched and at the same time it exuded an atmosphere as if work was still being done. The analogue photographs were printed on handcrafted printing paper left in Constant’s studio. The photo series will also be featured in the forthcoming publication Playing Constant: The Only Constant is Change, Change is the Only Constant. Playing Constant is a publication by Jap Sam Books in collaboration with Zippora Elders and Fondation Constant, reflecting on the Constant 101 project, due spring 2025.
Artistic research at its core
As part of her postdoctoral research, Krien developed the concept ‘OVERGANGSZONE’ (2016-2021), an interdisciplinary research project which focused on artistic research in collaboration with stakeholders and involved parties at the ENCI-area in transformation.
In Rome, she studied the Via Appia Antica, focusing on the points of view of historical image-makers at Mile V and VI, which recently resulted in the Via Appia Revisited project (2020), and will be Revisited in collaboration with archaeologists, data-experts and 3D-designers in Museum het Valkhof (2022). Currently she is working as a curator on a new interdisciplinary research project on the Via Appia: Exploded View, in collaboration with the Interfaculty Research Institute CLUE+/VU University Amsterdam, and performs with Roman (2019) and Dutch parties (2021). In Leiden she is currently working on a photo-reseach- project ‘Six Leiden churches in transition’, where she followed the process of change of six Catholic churches and photographically captured them. This photo project was on view in the Petruskerk, Leiden, from 1 November 2024 till 2 February 2025. Krien Clevis is lecturer at the Faculty of the Arts, Maastricht, where she teaches Artistic Research.

