Frank Keizer


Brussels, Belgium


Frank Keizer (1987) is a poet, essayist and critic. In 2016, Uitgeverij Polis published his first collection Onder normale omstandigheden which was nominated for the Poeziedebuutprijs Aan Zee. His poems have been translated into English, German, French, Turkish, Indonesian and Portuguese. He is an editor at the Flemish literary magazine nY. With Maarten van der Graaff he founded the online magazine Samplekanon, which was awarded the Lokien Prize in 2018. He currently works on his third collection, De introductie van het plot, which will be published in early 2022 [Source:]. For Constant 101 he is one of the poets of the Constant special edition of De Gids out December 2021.

Frank on Constant

When I think of Constant, I immediately think of New Babylon, as someone who revived the social utopian tradition. But also of his texts from The Revolt of the Playing Man: not so much Marxist analyses as Marxian, as he himself put it.