Frank Bosma


Amsterdam (NL)

Frank Bosma (1981) freelance creative developer located in Amsterdam, and has been pushing artistic and technological boundaries as a creative developer since 2003. Whether it’s a mobile app, website, VR/AR installation, illustration, doing 3D modeling, animation or coaching hackathon teams. He loves projects where people are connected with purpose through play.

Frank Bosma is creative developer for the Enter New Babylon project. He will realise the designer’s concepts in VR. Frank’s goal is to make sure the project becomes something that is reminiscent of Constant’s ideas and life energy.


What makes Frank smile is Constant’s fascination with experimenting; with creative expression; his homo ludens; his energy to never stop learning; to not be strict about disciplines; looking for an answer to the question of what defines an artwork, or an artist.

Equally interesting is his rooting for collaboration. Not just between artists, but also in society. The original New Babylon project is in Frank’s opinion pre-eminently a collective artwork, an artwork for and eventually by the people. In Frank’s work he’d like to connect people with purpose through play. In Enter New Babylon all of these aspects come together.


His latest VR projects Symbiosis (2020) and Rozsypne (2019) were both selected for the IDFA DocLab Immersive Non-Fiction competition.


When not developing artistic content, you can catch him designing t-shirts, on a skateboard, dancing at a music festival, making playlists, playing at his table soccer club or reading a good book.