Süeda Işik
Journalist, Historian, Meme Connoisseur and Punk Music Lover. Süeda Isik is a historian and journalist from Schiedam. She studied History at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. As a socio-cultural historian she specializes in the 19th century representation of the Ottoman Empire in Dutch travelogues. She writes a weekly article for the Dutch Daily NRC about memes that tell something about the world we live in. In her work as a journalist she focuses on Generation Z, online culture, new media and youth cultures. What does the online life of Zoomers (people who belong to Generation Z) look like and how does it shape the offline world? As a lover of punk music she enjoys going to small punk gigs and exploring contemporary bands. Süeda responds to Constant’s painting L’insurrection/De opstand in the video-serie Constantly at War by Gerrit Schreurs commissioned by Stedelijk Museum Schiedam.

Süeda on Constant
“Art is the only symbol of freedom that remains alive and can never be completely destroyed.” These words of Constant Nieuwenhuys in De Groene Amsterdammer beautifully tell that art and freedom are connected. A fight against freedom is a fight against art, in his words. He perfectly illustrates the importance that freedom of expression has for me. In his art he expresses subjects, such as despair and insurrection. His expression makes his work powerful. Even hopeful. It speaks to me and inspires me. And that’s what I want from art.

