Feikes Huis


Amsterdam (NL)


Feikes Huis is a production house and development platform for visual theater in the Netherlands. Feikes Huis supports new theater makers with visual talent from the stage of talent development to production and presentation.

Together with Fondation Constant, Over het IJ Festival, HKU Master Scenography and Poetry Circle Nowhere, Feikes Huis produces the VR theater experience installation Enter New Babylon.


Japanse Meisjes | Firma Draak, 2019


Japanse Meisjes | Firma Draak, 2019


Beefteefjes | Servaes Nelissen, 2020-2021


Beefteefjes | Servaes Nelissen, 2020-2021

Feikes Huis offers a space for artistic research and innovation and connects young and experienced talent. We do this in close collaboration with the community of visual makers and groups. Through connection, the genre gains in quality, professionalism and visibility. As a producer, Feikes Huis is committed to firmly anchoring visual theater within the arts field. She introduces makers to a wide audience.


Alles naar de Hemel | Tg. Winterberg, 2020-2021


Alles naar de Hemel | Tg. Winterberg, 2020-2021