Thijs van Elten


Utrecht (NL)


Observant in nature, Thijs studied theater to become a director. However, he admits that if he had been a scientist, then probably a biologist. He draws few conclusions, that would be boring. Like many makers he prefers to leave the conclusions to the listener or viewer. With this approach he makes theatre, audio tours and video portraits. For Constant 101 he will produce podcast series with journalist, Ans Boersma.

Thijs and Constant

What I find inspiring about Constant is his search for the playing man. How he gave shape to his ideas to facilitate adoption by society. But also how he may or may not have succeeded in integrating his vision is his own life.

Sometimes Constant is far from me in actions and thoughts. How he seems to devote his life entirely to his artistry, for example, and leaves little room for loved ones. And sometimes I feel related to him. How he searches, does not know, returns to previously held positions: Then of course he is just like all of us.