
In the tv-series Maestro, episode 5 on January 2nd 2022, Plien van Bennekom, contestor for the Golden Batton, got to conduct the orchestra with a solo musician. This soloist was cimbalom player Dani Luca. The chemistry between aspiring conductor and the soloist on cimbalom sparkled off the screen, earning Plien a triple 10 point score from the three jurors and a spotlight for the beautiful sound of the cimbalom.
We are very proud that Dani Luca will create a musical program for Constant 101. The program will be for two cymbaloms and will be performed together with his father Vasile Luca. The idea for this program originated in 2020 when Dani bought Constant’s own cimbalom from Trudy Nieuwenhuys.
We will soon tell you more about this project. If you are curious, click on the project pages under “related” at the bottom of this page.
If you want to see Plien and Dani in action in Maestro click on the link and skip to 25:23 on Uitzending Gemist.