We Have a NEW Instagram Account

Fondation Constant has a new Instagram account @Constant.101

On June 6, 2023 our old account @constant_101 got hacked and Meta being the dystopian crack web it is, we were never able to get it back. If this experience teaches us anything, it is that A.I. is nowhere near being a creative problem solver yet.


Constant 101 NEWS-Mapping


Constant 101 Blots


Constant 101 Models


Logo Constant 101 social media

After three weeks of talking to Meta chat bots, we realised our account was officially doomed and here we are with a new Instagram account @constant.101. NB: dot instead of underscore, a minor difference but a lot of work and frustration.

To get our old followers back you might receive a message from us on the different social media.

We will continue to provide great content about the work of Constant Nieuwenhuys (1920-2005) and the awesome contemporary projects with contemporary artists of Constant 101.

The reset button has been hit.

For now make sure you switch on that two-factor identification,

Kim van der Horst | Director Fondation Constant