
It has been a long time in the making but finally the moment is there. We proudly present our first supervisory board (Raad van Toezicht) with Floris Alkemade, Adnan Basaran, Trudy Nieuwenhuys and Marise Voskens as chairwoman. They will be supervising brand new director, Kim van der Horst.
Fondation Constant has been active as a non profit art foundation since 2011. Under the dedicated guidance of many board members the foundation has grown into an organisation that is able to shape ideas into beautiful projects. The mission of actively finding ways to merge knowledge and the archive into new projects, works of art and collaborations can now take flight within a new organisation structure. With the experience, knowledge and network of the new supervisory board we feel confident that much beauty can be manifested.
Marise Voskens | Chair
Chair of the supervisory boards of, amongst others, UvA, VPRO and Flamengo Biennial.
Floris Alkemade
Architect and “Rijksbouwmeester” from 2015-2021.
Adnan Basaran
Founder of The Inclusion Partners.
Trudy Nieuwenhuys
Art historian, author and researcher.
Replacing Dolf Broekhuizen, we also welcome a new chair for the Academic Committee: Marcel Hummelink. Together with Katja Kwastek and Els Hoek the committee will continue to advice the foundation on the research for the catalogue raisonné. We thank Dolf for his knowledge and dilligent scrutiny as chair the past five years.
With anticipation we look forward to an animated future with alluring projects and partners. And with that prospect we look back with gratitude to the path we travelled and the people who helped us along the way. Without the dedication, expertise, time and energy of all our board members we would not have gotten to where we are now. Out sincere appreciation goes out to: Wessel Ganzevoort, Paul Schnabel, Dolf Broekhuizen, Els Ottenhof, Ludo van Halem, Benno Tempel and Cor van der Zwan.
In 2020 we spotted Marise Voskens posing next to the construction “Eivormige Constructie [II]” at the Ben Cobra exhibition. With a broad experience in international business, experience as a judge and a multitude of chair positions in supervisory boards for academic and cultural organisations, she seemed to be precisely the of force of nature we were looking for.
When it turned out that the click was mutual the proverbial knot was tied. And if that wasn’t enough, it turned out the woman can dance! More on that can be viewed on our Instagram 💃🏼
We are delighted to have Marise Voskens as the chairwoman of our first supervisory board.