Museum Folkwang
Museum Folkwang is one of the most renowned German art museums with an outstanding collection of 19th-century painting and sculpture, classical modernism and art after 1945, as well as photography. Museum Folkwang was established in 1922 by merging the art collection of the Folkwang Museum founded by Kart Ernst Ostahus in Hagen in 1902 with the municipal Art Museum in Essen founded in 1906, to form the basis for the impressive collection of artworks Museum Folkwang houses today.
From 24 November 2023 till 17 March 2024, the exhibition We Is Future: Visions of New Communities will take place at Museum Folkwang, featuring several works from Constant’s New Babylon project.

Museum Folkwang describes the We Is Future: Visions of New Communities exhibition as follows:
Our current outlook on life is coloured by the prospect of losing the world such as we now know it. Not only are demands for fundamental changes becoming increasingly vociferous they are being made by a wide variety of actors. What new ideas do we need for the future? And how can we rethink what seems to be inevitable? Against the backdrop of this current state of affairs, the exhibition We Is Future showcases past and present ideas for alternative models of living together. The works, concepts and ideas presented in the exhibition revolve around the vision of an ideal community whose members live in unison with nature, in equality, peace and harmony; they settle in new places and harness cutting edge technologies to make them habitable.
Constant’s futuristic New Babylon — a city built on pillars and home of the Homo Ludens (Playing Man), who is free to do and move as they desire — is an interesting response to many of these questions.